Exchange Traded Funds
Fund facts | |
Investment objective | The Fund aims to generate attractive returns by dynamically investing in global fixed income instruments. It aims to provide diversification against equity risk as well as capital growth and some income. |
Benchmark | Bloomberg Global Aggregate Index (Hedged to AUD) |
Management team | Matthew Mulcahy, Andrew Vonthethoff, Shaughn Wilkie |
Inception date (Unquoted Class) | 30 September 2002 |
Active ETF – Date quoted on the ASX | 22 November 2023 |
Total fund size (Unquoted Class and Active ETF) |
A$1,500.91m (current as at 03 March 2025) |
Management fee | 0.614% pa of the net asset value of the Fund |
Distribution frequency | Generally quarterly |
Distribution reinvestment plan (DRP) | Yes |
Issuer | Macquarie Investment Management Australia Limited |
Registry | Apex Fund Services Pty Ltd |
ASX Ticker | MQDB |
APIR code | MAQ4000AU |
Market Makers | J.P. Morgan and Nine Mile |
Target Market Determination | The Target Market Determination (tmd), available at, includes a description of the class of consumers for whom the Fund is likely to be consistent with their objectives, financial situation and needs. View TMD |
Read the Product Disclosure Statement for more details on fees and expenses that may be charged.
Macquarie Dynamic Bond Active ETF (Managed Fund)
Macquarie Dynamic Bond Fund
View more information on the Macquarie Dynamic Bond Fund (unquoted class).
Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance. Total returns are calculated based on changes in net asset values and assumes the reinvestment of distributions. The tables above show the performance of both the unquoted class (Macquarie Dynamic Bond Fund) and quoted class (Macquarie Dynamic Bond Active ETF (Managed Fund)) of the Fund. The performance of the quoted class of units in the Fund may differ from the performance of the unquoted class due to factors such as differences in the timing of issue of units issued on reinvestment of distributions. Investors in the quoted class of units should use the past performance of the unquoted class prior to the inception date of the quoted class for illustrative purposes only and, from the inception date of the quoted class, should refer to the quoted class performance.
The performance information shown above may differ to the information in the performance report due to rounding.
* Inception date for the quoted class of units in the Fund (Macquarie Dynamic Bond Active ETF (Managed Fund)) is 8 November 2023. Inception date for the unquoted class of units in the Fund (Macquarie Dynamic Bond Fund) is 30 September 2002.
** Total net returns are quoted after the deduction of all fees and expenses. Due to individual investor circumstances, your net returns may differ from the net returns quoted above.
*** From 1 January 2023, the benchmark is the Bloomberg Global Aggregate Index (Hedged to AUD). Prior to this, the Fund had different benchmarks. The Benchmark return and Total excess return (net) information shown above is based on the current benchmark. Over certain periods, these returns may be materially higher than the returns against the previous benchmarks. Further information about the performance of the Fund against the previous benchmarks is available on request.
The above table shows the NAV unit price for the Macquarie Dynamic Bond Active ETF (Managed Fund). It is provided for informational purposes only. Investors, other than Authorised Participants, can only buy and sell units in the Macquarie Dynamic Bond Active ETF (Managed Fund) on the ASX. The trading price of units in the Macquarie Dynamic Bond Active ETF (Managed Fund) on the ASX on a day may vary from the NAV unit price on that same day due to factors that do not affect the NAV unit price such as investor demand and the bid/ask spreads applied by Authorised Participants. Typically, the price at which Authorised Participants will be willing to buy units from investors on a day will be less than the NAV unit price on that same day and the price at which Authorised Participants are willing to sell units to investors on a day will be higher than the NAV unit price on that same day.
The NAV unit prices listed above are cum prices calculated as at the specified valuation date. Cum price means that income, realised capital gains and any returns of capital (which form part of the distribution) are included in the unit price. While all due care has been taken in the calculation of the unit prices, such information may be updated where necessary.
Date | Document | Type |
24 February 2025 | Amendment of aggregate derivatives notional exposure | |
5 February 2025 | Monthly Redemptions, Applications, Units on Issue and OTC | |
08 January 2025 | Monthly Redemptions, Applications, Units on Issue and OTC | |
03 January 2025 | Final Distribution and DRP Issue Price |
Date | Document | Type |
29 December 2023 | MQDB PCF file 27 Dec 2023 | |
29 December 2023 | MQDB PCF file 27 Dec 2023 | CSV |
27 December 2023 | Estimated Distribution | |
07 December 2023 | Monthly Redemptions, Units on Issue and OTC Exposure | |
22 November 2023 | ASX Notice of Admission to Trading Status | |
22 November 2023 | Macquarie Dynamic Bond Active ETF (Managed Fund) - Target Market Determination | |
22 November 2023 |
Macquarie Dynamic Bond Active ETF (Managed Fund) - Product Disclosure Statement |
All investments carry risk. Different investments carry different levels of risk, depending on the investment strategy and the underlying investments. Generally, the higher the potential return of an investment, the greater the risk (including the potential for loss and unit price variability over the short or long term). The risks of investing in this Fund include:
Investment risk: The Fund seeks to generate higher income returns than traditional cash investments. The risk of an investment in the Fund is higher than an investment in a typical bank account or term deposit. Amounts distributed to unitholders may fluctuate, as may the Fund’s unit price. The unit price may vary by material amounts, even over short periods of time, including during the period between a redemption request being made and the time the redemption unit price is calculated.
Manager risk: There is no guarantee that the Fund will achieve its performance objectives, produce returns that are positive, or compare favourably against its peers. The Investment Manager may change its investment strategies and internal trading guidelines over time, and there is no guarantee that such changes would produce favourable outcomes.
Income securities risk: The Fund may have exposure to a range of income securities, including high yield, emerging markets and structured securities. The value of these securities may fall, for example due to market volatility, interest rate movements, perceptions of credit quality, supply and demand pressures, market sentiment, or issuer default. These risks may be greater for securities offering higher returns, for example high yield or emerging market securities. Income security risk may cause unit price volatility and/or financial loss to the Fund.
More information on the risks of investing in the Fund is contained in the Product Disclosure Statement, which should be considered before deciding to invest in the Fund.
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Update your contact details, distribution election, banking information, TFN/ABN and FATCA/CRS information by completing our Change of Details form and FATCA/CRS self-certification form or appoint authorised signatories to your account by completing our Appointment of Authorised Signatories form, which are all found here.
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Important information: The Macquarie Dynamic Bond Active ETF (Managed Fund) is a separate class of units in the Macquarie Dynamic Bond Fund (ARSN 101 815 141). A separate class of units is not a separate managed investment scheme.
“Bloomberg®” and “Bloomberg Global Aggregate 1 to 10 years Index hedged to AUD” are service marks of Bloomberg Finance L.P. and its affiliates, including Bloomberg Index Services Limited (“BISL”), the administrator of the index (collectively, “Bloomberg”) and have been licensed for use for certain purposes by Macquarie Investment Management Business Trust. Bloomberg is not affiliated with Macquarie Investment Management Business Trust, and Bloomberg does not approve, endorse, review, or recommend the Fund. Bloomberg does not guarantee the timeliness, accurateness, or completeness of any data or information relating to the Fund.
This fund may invest in instruments that reference a market determined rate such as LIBOR. Current and future regulatory developments may lead to the cessation of some of these rates. This may adversely impact the value and/or liquidity of these instruments.